Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter 18 Test Letter

Dear Olga,
       I have finally arrived in America! It is winter now in New York City and it is very cold. There is a lot of snow. On the way here I got sick a couple of times but I am better now. Tell mama and Anja I say hello. I miss you all very much.
       It has been a couple of days since I have arrived in the city and I am now starting to find a job. There are many factory jobs so hopefully I will be able to work in a factory and make some money. Right now, I am living in a tenement with another family. They said I could stay with them until I make some money on my own. The area that I am living in has a lot of Germans. It is good to have people who understand where I come from. There are many Americans who are not welcoming and are very rude.

     If I get a job I am going to have to change the way I am. Even though I am in America, I hope I can hold onto my religious beliefs. People are very hostile when it comes to religion here. I must try to become American-like and try to fit in. There are many stores here with new types of clothes and you would really enjoy that. The education system is very good here and hopefully when you are 18 you can come and get a job and make a lot of money. Overall, my experience here is nice and I hope one day you all can come and we can start a life here. Here is a picture of the family I am currently living with in New York City. 

Love you, 

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